More than 5,000 high school students in Summit County had the opportunity to prepare for future college admissions tests during the 2019-2020 school year through supportive partnerships between SEI and area high schools. Ohio law requires high schools to offer either the ACT® or SAT® once to all students during their junior year of high school as a high school graduation pathway. College admissions test scores are one part of building and school district report card ratings in Ohio, and many students have opportunities for scholarships when they earn strong scores.
One support SEI offers to area high school partners is a full-length practice ACT® test to one cohort of students each school year, at no cost to the school or the students. Giving students the opportunity to practice in a simulated testing situation can increase their confidence and skills when they take the official test. Earning a college-ready exam score during high school is one of SEI’s critical transition points along the cradle to career continuum.
In the past school year, SEI purchased, distributed, and scored practice tests for 5,459 students across Summit County. Students who took the practice ACT® at a partner high school also received score reports to let them know how they performed and where they could improve. High school counselors and principals also received reports so they could develop plans to improve student scores in preparation for the state-mandated assessment. The practice ACT® is just one example of how we support our school partners who work so hard to support their students.
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