Our Approach
Our Evidence
Our Work
Our Goals
To inspire increased equity and achievement with research and evidence.
Drive continuous improvement to increase student success from cradle to career.
Strengthen our capacity to advance the mission.

We inspire action with evidence and research.
We build commitment to increased equity, achievement and educational attainment.
We engage and empower partners to increase student success from cradle to career.
We ensure the strength and sustainability of collective impact efforts in the community.
Leading Indicators of Success

Together, we can help every student prepare for a career pathway that leads to a living wage. We organize collective, community-wide efforts at significant education milestones for greater impact. This is the ambitious work of Summit Education Initiative: to help all students meet the high standards needed for the demands of the future. This is our vision for student success in Summit County. Every student. Every day. Cradle to career.
Social Foundations of Educational Attainment

The social determinants of health are the conditions where people are born, live, learn, work, and play that affect well-being. We can broaden this idea to include the social determinants of educational attainment. These are the factors that impact the educational experiences of students that aren’t just occurring within the school walls. This approach includes the broader systems and factors that play a role in impacting educational achievement.

Brain development begins prenatally and continues into adolescence. It is associated with self-regulation, as well as language and literacy, math, and spatial reasoning development.

Healthy students are engaged students. Good physical health means fewer missed days of school, which is key to educational achievement.

Mental health is an important part of overall health and well-being. Mental health is associated with persistence and staying in school.

Neighborhood and community conditions can influence educational achievement. Students who live in safe and healthy communities experience more positive academic outcomes.

Experiencing financial hardship and poverty can impact health, well-being, and cognitive development. Economic stability influences quality of life across the lifespan.

Social connections are the “glue” that holds society together. The trust and norms that are transmitted through social connections can positively impact a student’s education.